Wednesday, February 04, 2009


The photos show the typical Cod gill net sets, and one of a Norwegian marker buoy. The bottom photo shows a bottom set gill net, and what is interesting is the marker buoy on the top right of the net line. It appears to be one of the Norwegain "Teardrop" or "Sea Dog" floats


  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Hi Tom,

    Interesting info from well known fishing nets here in Norway. It's several different way's to set the nets on the bottom and I have seen plenty drawings in fishery books. I have seen and done many different fishing nets through the years, and your photos show in an excellent manner how this was done. The reason for the use of glass floats instead of cork was the pressure on the deep, corks was unstable and filled with sea water, net became heavy and sunkt. The marimtime researc government here in Norway are still using glass Floats on the deep doing research now and then, because of plastic Floats will collapse on the deep.
    Wood barrels was often used instead of teardrop floats mounted together with 4" or 5" or cork floats. On herring net often teardrop floats or round 8" floats mounted at the ends. Fishermen collaborated becouse fishing net was very expensive in the old days, herring nets was mounted together. Huge herring land nets had often cork, barrels and iron rings or round bricks on the bottom or nothing at the bottom.
    The marker bouy as shown on your picture was very often used together with 4-6 5" floats here in Norway.
    Glass floats have been used for almost everything that needed a kind of buoyancy in the fishery bussiness here in Norway, wrapped in wood, nets, plastic, alone or several floats added together.
    A typical cod net has 6" mask-size

    Sorry for my bad US English...


  2. Hi Per, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate, and any reader who reads the posts and comments, appreciates the extra information you are sharing with us.
    Thank you for helping to flush the history out with your Norwegian perspective. Tom
    P.S. Your use of English is excellent, and your Norwegian influence gives your writing character.
