Saturday, April 04, 2009

It's been a bit hectic between the business, and having no email from the server all day today. Finally, at 10:00 P.M., we got our email server back, and Per had written, and sent photos. There are two day's worth of photos here, including a beautiful shot of the ultra-rare long pin found at the beginning of the trip.

Hi Tom,

After a lot of research in abandoned areas at Ramberg area, and some! I tell you, looking thru 3000 floats that's a big job. From the huge number of floats approx. 10-15 had interesting embossing and quality.
Having some experience over the years with weight, size, shape and color has helped when looking for interesting floats.

Am very surprised about the huge numbers of unmarked floats in the far north, especially brown colors. I didn't find a single marked brown or amber 5", 4" or 3" float, except for the often-seen M mark.

Even got a lamp or candle stick or candelabrum made from a glass float and iron, by the owner of all those floats. Perhaps someone out there reading this blog would be interested in float art work too? Interesting float lamp and candles. Hope he uses only the unmarked ones. Please don't drill a hole in a Stranne & Oresten float LoL.

Float finds today:

Two huge boxes-approx. 70 glass floats, 7 of them interesting floats and marks. That's great and a higher percentage when compared to the 3000 find Tuesday/Wednesday.

I also have been digging among other floats in stores that sells old junk, and came up with 1 interesting float from approx 40 floats.

Tomorrow-Saturday, I have an appointment with a junk seller in Stamsund, who has a sack full. Hopefully that dig also will give 1 or 2 interesting floats.

I'm on the Internet again. Have moved, and am now situated at Lofoten Fjord Hotel, Stamsund.

Maybe tomorrow or Sunday will bring some interesting floats? Anyway as a close-to- the-finished expedition, I would say that the dividend has been fine. I had hoped for a couple more teardrops though.


P.S. Stamsund view from my Hotel room.

Tomorrow is Sunday, Per's 3rd. Sunday of the expedition, and like all good things, the expedition must come to an end on the 7th. As the trip winds down, I'm hoping for a grand last Hurrah!
One of the photos shows a Cod drying rack. It's amazing that the old method of drying Cod is still in practice. It's hard to find the perfect spot to dry in the open air. Just the right amount of wind, sunshine, temperature and lack of flies does not occur everywhere. In the past there was a huge enterprise in Norway, Nova Scotia and Labrador drying Cod in the open air.


  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Great stuff Per!
    From what I've heard about this once great and now still important fish export is the many grades of fish that there is,and the expert graders nose and sight it takes to sort out these air dried cod. Also many days of re hydrateing and then the uses of, absolutely none of which this Norwegian will probably ever try unless libaited heavily ! Take care :)

  2. Gorgeous pics! Thanks for the post, through all of the chaos. xo
