Friday, November 11, 2011

What A Maker's Marking!

Short post today, but I wanted to show the readers a new addition to One Of A Kind Norwegian floats. This float was found in Northern Norway in late April 2011. The float was found on an expedition, and shared with us by The Raven. Don't know what to name it. Is it HGVI with a Cross, or are the letters intended to be read differently? I do not have any further information on the float's size. The Raven speculated that the initials could be:

Fishermens' initials;
2 Brothers initials or
a Father and Son's initials.

Hopefully, as time passes, I can share more about the float's size. Isn't it amazing that after seeing so many initialed floats from Norway's early glassfloat use, that suddenly, something like this one appears! It is so uniquely embossed, and I wonder where the engraver came from? This float seems out of the norm for Norwegian lettered embossings, but as I look at the mark, I see and feel the Viking in it. The cross reminds me of a float that Per Einar found on one of his expeditions. That float's embossing was a somewhat similar cross, but the cross was much smaller, and without initials. Then there is the VG with the Cross, which is a Euro - not Scandinavian float.

Speaking of Scandinavian - not Euro float. For a long time, I've been thinking that the Norwegian, Danish and Swedish floats should not be considered as being European floats. Olaf Raabe and I both think that they should be classified as "Scandinavian" floats.

Often, when writing sellers of floats from countries outside of America, I want to be specific by calling the floats: British, English, Scottish, French, etc., because it seems important to credit the country and its people with the floats made there, rather than lump them altogether. So, do you think that classifying the above named countrys' float as being Scandinavian is worthy?

Last night, I was asked the question:

"how do I post a comment to the blog"?

The easiest way that I know of is to write your comment, add your name to the end of the comment (if you wish to) then when asked for a "profile," just click "anonymous".

I would love to have more comments shared by the blog's readers. The comments add to everyone's enjoyment, and enhance "sharing". For the author of the blog, there is the knowledge that the post has been read, and is interesting enough that it causes comment. Without feedback, the writing sometimes feels lonely. Hope this helps those who have wanted to comment, but were blocked in their attempt when they came to the "profile," part of the submission.

The photo was sent to the author for sharing by the "Raven."


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Tom I will have to agree with you on this. I think the float/pin should be classified from the country of origin.


  2. Anonymous8:04 PM

    What a beautiful marking, so ornate and it does
    remind me of the crossed VG. Hopefully this is a norwegian float, nice find !

  3. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Hey Tom, I think floats should be posted by country of origin to help us figure out where they all originate from and thereby learn more about the fishing and glass making history specific to each country. I would name a specific country, Sweden, Norway, Denmark mentioned rather than grouped together as Scandinavian. Mid Atlantic is less informative than saying New Jersey so to speak and lessons can be learned by separating New Jersey from New York. That is one very beautiful float by the way congratulations to the finder! Could it be Hovig Glas Verks? Is that an I or a candle? Why no serif on one end of the I like all the other letters? Lower case in 1840? Why are so many Norwegian floats dotted? As always a new find brings as many questions as answers.

  4. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Thanks for the comments. As for a "serif" on the i, I'm wondering if you enlarged the photo too? When I enlarge it, the i seems to have a serif on the base, and the top is dotted. Wonder who the engraver was, and will there be another of these found? If one were found in France, let's say, then I think we are looking at a float from another country that made it into Norway. I still feel the Viking in the embossing. Even the seal causes me to scratch my head. The location it was found in (sorry but that information is privy) points to the float being Norwegian-made, although Portugese floats are found there too - as they are throughout Norway. Guess we can extrapolate ourselves silly. Until proven differently, I'm sticking with its being a "One Of A Kind" Norwegian.

  5. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Very interesting float and marking. Sorry but I don't know anything about this marking. I guess it is made in Norway by study the letters.
